Monday, June 20, 2011


I have found the world of COUPONING!!

I have a ton of people asking me how I do it, so this is a list of the sites that I use to help me out. Please keep in mind that I am new to this, and I am still learning.

I started off at thanks to my good friend Kelli Ham. I love this site because it has a beginner section and videos to help you out.

Then I found thanks to Melissa Peterson!! This site is a lot like KCL. She has a beginner section and videos also. Sometimes she has deals that KCL doesn't have.

Most of the time KCL and hip2save have the same pricing that I find in the stores here in Houston. Sometimes it is off and that can keep you from getting an awesome deal. Most of the time it is off at Target. Another thing to keep in mind is that Kroger is not longer doubling/tripling coupons. So to help with this I use the next two sites. is good because she list all the stores and HEB!! is another good one for finding deals in Houston.

I started reading the sites 2 weeks ago, and started collecting coupons and shopping last week. It takes some time to learning how to read the sites and the couponing lingo!

I get most of my coupons from the paper. I get 4 Chronicles Sunday morning. I know this sounds like a lot, but this is how I stock up on things when I find a great deal!! I don't use every coupon in the paper, but I keep them all because I never know what deals are coming up. I will also print a few coupons online. I keep everything organized in a binder. I know I am a dork!

I think the biggest thing about couponing is forgetting about brand loyalty. I hates this because as a business geek I am big into brand loyalty. But, at this point in our lives, saving the family money comes first. I really am enjoying couponing, and I hope this helps you out. I will try and post when I find good deals and learn any new tips/tricks.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

At The Little Gym!

Here are some pics of the little miss at the little gym! We love this place as you can see.

This happened to be the last class of the semester, so she got a certificate.

She called it her prize all day long :) I think she was proud of herself.

We have made some great friends at the little gym and reunited with some old ones too!

If you have a little one you have to try it out. I can't tell you how great it is!!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Cleaning Out!

Well with the start of the new year I have desperately trying to clean out this house! It is crazy how much STUFF we have. All I can think is where does this come from??? I feel like the more STUFF I get rid of the cleaner my house feels!! And I LOVE the feeling of a clean house:) Anyone else with me?

You know what I don't love? DOG HAIR!! UGH!! It is so nasty to me, and it is everywhere!! No matter what I do I keep finding it!!

Anyways, back to cleaning out. It has almost been freeing to me to get more organized. The only thing that is hard is keeping it organized. Story of my life!!

Oh, and on the weight watcher front....I LOST 3 pounds!! I was very happy :) Now if I can keep it up that would be great!

So do you have any tips or ticks for keeping the house clean and organized? If you do pass them my way!! And if you can tell me how to get rid of the dog hair I will love you forever!!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Hello Change...But Not Really

Well the new year has started and with that comes change...I guess.

That is what you do right? The new year starts and you make resolutions. Resolutions that you don't keep but it make you feel good that you are trying to make changes.

So like everyone else in America I have been thinking about what I want to change. The only thing is, I can't think of anything. Well you know other than losing weight...but really who doesn't want to do that!!!

So since I can't think of anything to change I am just going to try and get better at a few things. Like being a better wife and mom. Cheesy huh?? Oh well, I like being cheesy.

And for the losing weight I joined Weight Watcher today. So wish me some luck and say a few prayers for me. Updates to come...unless I fail. Then we just won't talk about it!

So here is to the new year and change!! But not really change.

Now get off the computer and go out and enjoy it!!

Friday, December 24, 2010

Why Hello...

With the new year coming up I have decided to start a blog.

I know, I know...I am officially one of those blog crazy people,
but it just looks like so much fun I can't help myself!!!

Here is a family picture for you to enjoy.

Santa 2010
The Hubs, Little Miss, and Me :)